Chemical Peels Fayetteville

Get Back Your Youthful Looks With Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are ideal for those who want gentle improvements to their skin’s textural quality without injections, fillers, or incisions. Our peels utilize specially-curated chemical solutions to remove the uppermost layers of your skin, revealing the smoother, younger, and unblemished skin underneath. 

Chemical peels can be used to treat the face, neck, and décolleté as well as other areas of the body.

New skin appears significantly smoother and brighter, free from years of acne scars, pigmented spots, and discoloration.


Micropeel is a procedure wherein the uppermost layer of the skin (epidermis) is removed to reveal the smoother and younger skin underneath. The Micropeel treatment consists of mild exfoliating agents that gently remove the uppermost layers of the skin over 4-6 sessions. It improves your skin tone, texture, overall clarity, textural quality, fine lines, and wrinkles. It also encourages collagen production to improve your skin’s firmness.

After removing all the impurities from your clogged pores, the vortex-fusion device delivers a curated concoction of antioxidants, peptides, serums, and other components based on your specific skin type and concerns. Your skincare provider will examine and assess your skin quality to curate the ideal HydraFacial serums for dryness, acne-prone skin, inflammation, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, etc. The procedure is smooth, simple, and painless, causing no irritation, redness, or discomfort. As such, HydraFacial is a holistic and painless skin rejuvenation technique.

Revitalize Dermatology & Aesthetics is one of the few medical spas in Fayetteville offering HydraFacial treatments using the patented Syndeo device. Thanks to Syndeo, we can now automatically control the amount of serum infused into different treatment areas on your face, ensuring gentler and better results than ever before.

Pigment Balancing Peel

The Pigment Balancing Peel is made of powerful brightening, anti-inflammatory, and exfoliating components that improve pigmentation and accelerate skin cell regeneration. This chemical peel comprises 40% glycolic acid, 27% vitamin C, and 10% citric acid, the ideal formulation to provide aggressive exfoliation. You should ideally opt for 4 to 6 of these chemical peels spaced 4 weeks apart for dramatic results.

To learn more about our different chemical peels in Fayetteville, schedule a personalize consultation.

“I have been receiving treatment from Julia consistently for about 6 months now. She has elevated my knowledge of skin care and is arguably the most bubbly and comforting person I’ve received professional services from. I recommend her to ANY AND EVERYONE!! Revitalize is a small business I will never stop supporting!”

Glytone Professional Peel Systems

Glytone Professional Peel Systems include 13 different chemical peels made with unique formulations that target specific skin concerns and skin types, such as aging, hyperpigmentation, acne, wrinkles, rosacea, etc. The Glytone chemical peel system boosts your skin’s overall textural quality and appearance.

You can resume all your daily activities and work immediately after your HydraFacial in Fayetteville — no side effects or complications, though you might have to wear sunscreens for a while. The results are instantaneous and last for over a week, depending on your lifestyle. You can repeat the procedure whenever your skin starts looking dull and tired again.

Glycolic Acid


Pyruvic Acid

Eye and Lip Peel

Hand Peel

Salicylic Acid

Mandelic Acid

Revitalize Dermatology & Aesthetics provides a wide range of effective chemical peels for all skin types and concerns. Call today schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss your options for chemical peels in Fayetteville today.

Before & After

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Individual results may vary.
  • Nonsurgical treatments
  • No pain and discomfort
  • Customized to address individual needs
  • Holistic skincare treatment
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • No side effects
  • No downtime
  • Can be repeated whenever necessary
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Who Are The Ideal Candidates For HydraFacial?

HydraFacial is a simple and painless procedure with no inherent medical contraindications, making it suitable for people with all skin types and skin concerns. Whether you have tired, dull, congested, oily, acne-prone, wrinkled, or dry skin, HydraFacial can help you achieve a flawless, smooth, and glowing complexion.

Common Questions

How Can Chemical Peels Help Me Look Younger?

Chemical peels are great for treating a variety of cosmetic issues. The treatment can foster youthful-looking skin by accelerating the turnover of dead and damaged cells. The deeper the peel, the more cellular turnover occurs. The healthy new cells that move up to the surface are softer, more radiant, and more resilient overall. While it may take more than one peel to address more significant issues, this treatment can be customized to your needs for the correction of mild scarring, sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, and various signs of aging. What’s great about routine chemical peels is that they address all of these concerns at once!

Will My Chemical Peel Treatment Hurt?

It’s not uncommon to feel some degree of warming, stinging, itching, or tingling during a chemical peel. The intensity of any of these sensations may depend on several factors. The primary factor is the strength of your peel. A light peel may cause very little sensation at all, whereas deep chemical peels generally require the use of anesthesia. Medium-grade chemical peels sit right in the middle of the road, achieving great results with mild to moderate stinging and tingling.


Your provider customizes your chemical peel treatments to your needs as well as your preferences for discomfort and downtime. 

What Is Recovery Like After A Chemical Peel?

Your chemical peel recovery will align with the strength of your peel. If you have the lightest peel, often referred to as a “lunchtime peel,” you may not need any downtime. After a day or two, your skin may start to look a little dry and flaky, but a good moisturizer can disguise these side effects so you can continue with your daily routine.


A medium-strength chemical peel may cause some swelling and redness that require cool compresses. You may want to arrange to have a few days at home to allow these side effects to subside before you return to work and social engagements. You may have some soreness or tenderness after a medium-strength chemical peel, as well. An over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen can help you remain comfortable. It can take a full two weeks for all redness and minor swelling to completely resolve after a medium peel treatment. However, you can apply makeup after five to seven days.


Deep chemical peels are rarely performed anymore because medium-grade peels can accomplish outstanding results without the significant risks and downtime associated with treatment. Deep peels may require prescription pain medication, dressings, and special care to avoid infection and scarring.

Are Chemical Peels Safe?

The chemical peel treatments that we perform have been thoroughly tested for safety and efficacy. The risks that are associated with light and medium-grade chemical peels are usually limited to minor flaking, dryness, redness, and swelling. Blistering is possible but rarely occurs.

If you are considering a chemical peel, it is imperative that you inform your provider about a history of cold sores. Pre-treatment with special medication can reduce the risk of an outbreak. Precautions like avoiding blood thinners and sun exposure can also reduce risks like excessive irritation after a chemical peel. Rest assured that your provider will discuss the risks associated with your selected treatment as well as how to manage them.

Revitalize Dermatology & Aesthetics provides a wide range of effective chemical peels for all skin types and concerns. Call today to schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss your options for chemical peels in Fayetteville today.

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Book Your Chemical Peels Fayetteville Treatment Now

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