Permanent Makeup

Lip Blushing & Powder Brow

Permanent makeup procedures, such as Lip Blushing and Powder Brow, offer a lasting, polished look that enhances your natural features and streamlines daily beauty routines. These treatments are perfect for those with busy lifestyles, who desire long-lasting enhancement, or struggle with traditional makeup due to skin sensitivity, allergies, or vision issues. Plus, permanent makeup offers consistent results and boosts confidence, allowing you to wake up ready to go each day.

Lip Blushing

What is Lip Blushing?

Lip Blushing is a cosmetic procedure where we add color and definition and make your lips appear fuller and more symmetrical. It’s a great way to enhance the lips you already have, give the illusion of fullness, and bring color back in lips that have lost pigmentation. Lip Blushing pairs nicely with lip filler and can improve your appearance and confidence.  Lip blushing can last from 1-3 years with periodic touch ups to freshen up faded pigment.

Pre- Appointment Care

Four Weeks Before:

Two Weeks Before:

One Week Before:

One Day Before:

Day of Lip Blushing Procedure:


6-8 Week Touch-Up

This session is a follow-up appointment to your initial session. It is to add or refresh any areas that healed too lightly, ensuring your new lips will stay looking even and full. Touch- ups must be booked between the 6–8-week mark.

What to Expect During the Healing Process

Powder Brow

What is Powder Brow?

Powder Brow is a procedure in which a cosmetic tattoo machine is used to gently add color to the skin in the brow area. Some also refer to this procedure as “ombré brows.”  It’s an alternative to microblading that eliminates the possibility of trauma and scarring. Powder Brow creates a natural, filled-in look for eyebrows that’s worry-free, without the need for daily application.

Pre- Appointment Care

Four Weeks Before:

No laser skin treatments on or near the brows. No use of medical-grade skin resurfacing products on or near brows.

Two Weeks Before:

One Week Before:

One Day Before:

Day of Powder Brow Procedure:


6-8 Week Touch-Up

This session is a follow-up appointment to your initial session. It allows us to add, darken, and shape any areas that may have healed lighter. Touch-ups are mandatory and must be booked between the 6–8-week mark after your initial session.

What to Expect During the Healing Process

Lip Blushing & Powder Brow Before & After

View Angle: Front

Individual results may vary.

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